sábado, 18 de octubre de 2008

Linux: Using more than 3 GB of RAM

"Just like Windows, the 32-bit version of Ubuntu Linux has a serious defect: does not support more than 3 GB of RAM. A quantity of memory, while a few years ago could be labeled under the genre Unbelievable (regarding the home PC), today is not difficult to find in many computer geek, all over the world.
That is why urgent to put a "patch" to the problem, then, rimbocchiamoci their sleeves and "armiamoci" terminal because there will be long hours to move seamlessly between commands and incomprehensible decisions that could undermine the stability of the PC. There are cascati? Do not worry, it was only a joke: Use more than 3 GB of RAM is possible in a handful of minutes, following the simple steps below".

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