martes, 28 de julio de 2009

jueves, 23 de julio de 2009


RANCID is an application that allows you to track changes to network devices using a CVS tree. It will email you any changes made at scheduled intervals.

I’m going to implement RANCID on a FreeBSD box at work to track changes to my Cisco network devices. I’ve tested these directions on FreeBSD 6.3 and 7.2 and they should work on FreeBSD in general.


domingo, 19 de julio de 2009

FreeBSD 8.0-BETA2 Available

The second of the BETA builds for the FreeBSD-8.0 release cycle is now available. There are still a few things being finished up so a couple more moderately large commits are coming but we seem to be making good progress. The target date for the last of the things still being worked on is BETA3. In the meantime we appreciate the feedback we have received from people who have started testing and some of those problems have been fixed as well.


FreeBSD: Foundation Project Announcement

The FreeBSD Foundation is pleased to announce another funded project!

Ed Schouten has been awarded a grant to write a new console driver for the FreeBSD project. We are excited to support Ed in providing a more efficient and user friendly console driver.

This project will allow Ed to add an additional abstraction layer to the kernel. This new layer, the terminal layer will be a layer that sits between the TTY layer, the kernel console (cngetc, cnputc) and the actual console driver. Right now we have a terminal emulator (libteken) that is part of Syscons. This terminal emulator will be moved into this terminal layer.

The advantage of having such a layer, is that the console driver itself does not have to care about any TTY semantics, streams of bytes, processing escape sequences, etc. It will just receive a set of character drawing, filling and copying actions. This should also make it easier to implement Unicode.


Install Asterisk with GUI in 5 easy Steps: The FreeBSD Way

It is beyond the scope of this guide to teach you how to install the FreeBSD OS.
To make this tutorial even simpler, I remove the Digium PCI Card with 4 FX0.


* Running FreeBSD OS (I’m currently using FreeBSD 7.2)
* Root Access to install from ports
* Basic Unix Commands
* Win32 X-lite SIP Phone

sábado, 11 de julio de 2009

FreeBSD 8.0-BETA1 available via FreeBSD Update

In the early days of the FreeBSD 7.0 release cycle I posted here with some instructions on performing a major version upgrade of FreeBSD using FreeBSD Update; now that we're in to the 8.0 release cycle, I think it's time to post some updated instructions. For a number of reasons this post is coming almost a week late -- Ken Smith announced 8.0-BETA1 on Monday -- but I expect that I'll have FreeBSD Update bits in place when future BETAs and RCs are announced.


lunes, 6 de julio de 2009

FreeBSD 8.0-BETA1 Available

The first public test build of the FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE test cycle is now available, 8.0-BETA1. Through the next week or so more information about the release will be posted but here is the current target schedule for the other 'major events':

BETA2: July 13, 2009
BETA3: July 20, 2009
RC1: July 27, 2009
RC2: August 17, 2009
RELEASE:August 31, 2009

PC-BSD 7.1.1 Released

The PC-BSD Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of PC-BSD 7.1.1

Version 7.1.1 contains a number of bugfixes and improvements from PC-BSD 7.1, including KDE 4.2.4, improvements to printing support, Xorg Server 1.6.1, and much more.

BSD Router Project

Olivier Cochard-Labbé, founder of FreeNAS, has released the first alpha (0.1) image of his new project: BSD Router Project -

bsdrp is an open source, customised distribution of FreeBSD dedicated to offering IP routing services for small ISP's.


jueves, 2 de julio de 2009

Mercurial 1.3 released

The new version 1.3 of distributed version control system Mercurial has added experimental support for subrepositories. The new feature will allow developers to take a set of repositories and treat them as a group. Other changes include a share extension to make creating working directories faster and less expensive.


miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009

FreeNAS 0.7 RC1 adds ZFS support

"The development release is based on FreeBSD 7.2 and now includes the addition of ZFS (Zettabyte File System) file system support. The first RC also includes several upgrades to the iSCSI initiator driver, the E2fsprogs file system utilities for Ext2 and the rsync file transfer utility. The Transmission BitTorrent client has been updated to version 1.61 and the 'Watch directory' and 'Extra options' fields have been added to the 'Services|BitTorrent' WebGUI. The WebGUI has also been hardened to prevent cross-site request forgery attacks."


Linux VS BSD

Interesting article about the differences between Linux and BSD.